
Business Analyst CV Example

Deciphering data, but your CV feels puzzling? Delve into this Business Analyst CV example, structured using Wozber free CV builder. Realize how to integrate your analytical insights with job requisites, ensuring your career trajectory aligns perfectly with corporate blueprints!

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Business Analyst CV Example
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How to write a Business Analyst CV?

Hello, aspiring Business Analyst! The path to securing your dream role starts with an exceptional CV that speaks volumes about your analytical prowess, stakeholder management skills, and ability to drive business improvements. Using the Wozber free CV builder, this guide takes you through creating an ATS-compliant CV optimised specifically for your role as a Business Analyst.

This isn't just about meeting the mark; it's about exceeding expectations and making an unforgettable impression. Let's dive into transforming your CV into a powerful tool that highlights your professional narrative.

Personal Details

The Personal Details section is not merely a formality; it's the opening chapter of your professional story. For a Business Analyst, making a great first impression starts here. By meticulously aligning your personal details with what the job description outlines, you ensure the hiring manager can't help but want to know more. Follow these steps to lay the groundwork for your standout CV.

Marcia Brekke
Business Analyst
(555) 123-4567
Seattle, WA

1. Your Name as Your Brand

Your name is the banner under which all your achievements stand. Make sure it's prominent, setting the tone with a professional font that's easy to read at a glance. This is the cornerstone of personal branding on your CV.

2. Job Title Precision

Echo the exact job title you're aiming for, such as 'Business Analyst,' right below your name. This tactic is straight out of the ATS optimisation playbook, ensuring you resonate immediately with both the ATS and the hiring manager.

3. Essential Contact Info

  • Phone Number: Ensure accuracy to avoid missed opportunities. A typo here could mean a missed interview call.
  • Email: Opt for a professional email format that incorporates your name, steering clear of nicknames or numbers that could detract from the professional image you're aiming to project.

4. Seattle, WA - Location Matters

Since the job calls for someone in or willing to relocate to Seattle, WA, prominently listing your Seattle address or noting your willingness to relocate is a direct match to one of the job's logistical requirements.

5. Personal Website or LinkedIn

Including a link to a professional online profile such as LinkedIn is like offering a dynamic extension of your CV. Ensure it's updated and reflective of your CV content. For Business Analysts, this could include portfolios of analytical projects or recommendations from colleagues.


This is your opportunity to set the tone for your CV. Keep it professional, relevant, and directly aligned with your career objectives as a Business Analyst. Think of this section as your chance to say 'hello' in the most impactful way possible.

Create a standout Business Analyst CV
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Your Experience section is where you shine a spotlight on your career milestones. For a Business Analyst, this is your arena to demonstrate analytical strength, stakeholder engagement, and your contribution to otimizing business processes. Follow these tailored steps to ensure your experiences resonate deeply with hiring managers and survive the scrutiny of an ATS.

Senior Business Analyst
01/2020 - Present
ABC Corp
  • Gathered, documented, and prioritized business requirements from key stakeholders, leading to a 20% increase in project efficiency.
  • Designed and implemented solutions in collaboration with IT, resulting in a 15% reduction in system downtime.
  • Performed data analysis, uncovering insights that boosted business process improvements by 25%.
  • Oversaw user acceptance testing, gathering feedback which enhanced system accuracy by 30%.
  • Provided training and documentation for over 200 end‑users, improving software adoption rates by 40%.
Junior Business Analyst
06/2017 - 12/2019
XYZ Innovations
  • Supported senior analysts in gathering business requirements, aiding in the completion of 10+ major projects.
  • Assisted in designing user interfaces, enhancing user experience scores by 15%.
  • Analyzed monthly performance metrics, presenting findings to upper management, leading to informed strategic decisions.
  • Contributed to cross‑functional workshops, enhancing departmental collaboration and efficiency.
  • Developed comprehensive user manuals and FAQs, decreasing user‑reported errors by 20%.

1. Dissect the Job Description

Highlight keywords and phrases directly from the job description, such as 'data analysis,' 'cross-functional collaboration,' and 'user acceptance testing.' This is the groundwork of ATS optimisation, ensuring your CV speaks the same language as the job listing.

2. Structure is Key

Present your roles in reverse chronological order, focusing on companies, titles, and dates. This clear structure is friendly to both ATS systems and the hiring manager's eyes, allowing easy navigation through your professional journey.

3. Achievement-Focused Bullet Points

For each position, craft bullet points that marry your accomplishments with the job's expectations. Use active language and quantify outcomes where possible, for instance, 'Led a team that increased process efficiency by 20% through the implementation of strategic data analyses.'

4. Quantify Impact

The language of business is numbers. Quantify your achievements to lend credibility to your claims, such as 'Improved software adoption rates by 40%' or 'Reduced system downtime by 15%.' These tangible accomplishments underscore your potential value as a Business Analyst.

5. Keep Relevance at the Forefront

Choose experiences that directly align with the responsibilities and requirements of the job you're applying for. Each bullet point should echo a skill or requirement from the job listing, leaving no doubt about your fit for the role.


In the world of Business Analysis, demonstrating your track record through well-articulated experiences is key. Make every word count, aligning each part of your career narrative with the job at hand. This section is your proof of performance; make it compelling.


In a field that values technical expertise and specific educational backgrounds, presenting your education correctly on your CV is critical. For Business Analysts, matching educational qualifications with job requirements not only satisfies ATS filters but also reassures hiring managers of your foundational knowledge.

Bachelor's in Business Administration, Business Analytics
Harvard University

1. Identify Required Education

Start with the non-negotiable: a Bachelor's degree in Business, IT, or a related field, exactly as mentioned in the job description. This direct correlation ensures you meet the baseline educational requirement, an essential ATS checkmark.

2. Present Clearly

Maintain a straightforward format listing your degree, field of study, institution, and graduation year. This clarity aids both ATS scans and the hiring manager's quick review, ensuring your qualifications are easily verified.

3. Degree Speaks Volumes

In case the job prioritizes a specific degree, like Business Analytics for a Business Analyst role, ensure this is unambiguously reflected in your CV. This directly speaks to your relevant academic preparation.

4. Coursework and Projects

In such a specialized profession, spotlighting projects or coursework related to business analysis can add depth to your educational background, especially for early-career professionals. These details can demonstrate hands-on experience with the analytical tools and methodologies valued in the role.

5. Extracurriculars and Honors

If relevant, share additional academic achievements or participation in clubs that highlight leadership, team collaboration, or further analytical skills. This can round out your profile, showcasing a well-rounded candidate.


Your education section is more than just a list of degrees; it's a testament to your preparedness for the role of Business Analyst. Ensure it's concise, relevant, and reflective of the job's requirements. This isn't just about meeting the minimum; it's about showcasing the foundation of your expertise.

Build a winning Business Analyst CV
Land your dream job in style with Wozber's free CV builder.


In the evolving world of business analysis, certifications can dramatically bolster your claim to the role. They serve as an endorsement of your skills and dedication to professional growth. Let's navigate how to present your certifications strategically to make your CV stand out.

Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP)
International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA)
2020 - Present
Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA)
Project Management Institute (PMI)
2019 - Present

1. Align with Job Requirements

The job description mentions 'Certification in CBAP or PMI-PBA.' If you hold either (or both), prominently feature them on your CV. This direct match is a green light for both ATS and human reviewers, showing you meet specified qualifications.

2. Quality Over Quantity

List only those certifications directly relevant to the role of a Business Analyst. This focused approach ensures your CV is neat and strategic, prioritizing information that boosts your candidacy for the specific position.

3. Date Matters

Include the issuance date for time-bound certifications to validate their current relevance. For continuous education credentials, indicate an 'Ongoing' status to demonstrate your commitment to staying updated in the field.

4. Pursue Continuous Learning

The tech landscape is ever-changing, and so are the best practices in business analysis. Highlight your commitment to professional development by seeking new certifications that align with industry trends and job expectations.


In the Business Analyst job market, the right certifications can elevate your CV from good to exceptional. They are concrete evidence of your skills and commitment to your career. Choose wisely, align with the job requirements, and let your certifications speak to your ongoing journey of professional excellence.


For Business Analysts, the Skills section is a concise showcase of your technical proficiencies and soft skills, both of which are vital to your role. Crafting this section with precision ensures you catch the attention of both ATS and hiring managers, proving you're armed and ready for the challenges of the job.

Functional Specification Design
Team Collaboration
Data Analysis
Stakeholder Engagement
Power BI
Project Management
User Training
Business Process Modeling

1. Extract Skills from the Job Description

Start by pinpointing the hard and soft skills mentioned in the job description, such as 'data analysis,' 'communication,' and 'cross-functional collaboration.' Your CV needs to mirror these to pass the ATS scan and appeal to the hiring manager.

2. Prioritize and Match

Focus on listing skills that directly align with the job requirements. For a Business Analyst, prioritizing skills like SQL, Excel, Power BI, and stakeholder engagement shows a tailored match to the role, significantly enhancing your CV's relevance.

3. Stay Organized

Resist the urge to overwhelm with a long list of skills. Instead, select those that best represent your strengths and relevance to the Business Analyst position, ensuring a clean, focused, and impactful presentation.


Your skills section is not just a checklist; it's the highlight reel of your professional toolkit. For a Business Analyst, showcasing a blend of technical and interpersonal skills proves you're ready to bridge the gap between data and decision-making. Focus, tailor, and present your skills confidently.


In the interconnected world of business, the ability to communicate in multiple languages can be a significant asset, enhancing your ability to work in diverse teams and markets. For Business Analysts, language skills can add another layer of value to your CV.


1. Pinpoint the Requirement

The job expressly requires 'good English communication skills.' If English is your native or second language, highlight this proficiency at the top. This ensures you meet the basic communication criteria for the role.

2. List Additional Languages

Further languages should be seen as a bonus. If you're fluent in additional languages, list them to showcase your versatility and potential to engage in global business environments, a valuable asset in many companies.

3. Clearly Define Proficiency

For each language, accurately describe your level of proficiency using standard terms like 'Native,' 'Fluent,' 'Intermediate,' or 'Basic.' This clarity gives hiring managers a precise understanding of your linguistic capabilities.

4. Know the Role's Scope

Consider the geographic and demographic scope of the Business Analyst role. If the role involves international stakeholders or markets, your multi-language proficiency may significantly bolster your appeal to the hiring team.

5. Honesty is the Best Policy

Be truthful about your language skills. Overestimating your ability can lead to uncomfortable situations down the line. Remember, every skill listed on your CV should be one you're confident in showcasing.


Your language skills are not just personal achievements; they're professional assets that can bridge gaps and open doors. For Business Analysts, being able to communicate across different cultures can be the key to unlocking worldwide opportunities. Display your linguistic talents with pride.


The summary is your elevator pitch, a concise introduction that invites hiring managers to dive deeper into your CV. For Business Analysts, a well-crafted summary not only sparks interest but immediately establishes your qualifications and readiness for the challenges of the role.

Business Analyst with over 4 years of experience in gathering requirements, data analysis, and solution design. Proven track record in collaborating with cross-functional teams and delivering impactful business process improvements. Highly skilled in using data analysis tools and adept at facilitating user acceptance testing and training.

1. Absorb the Job's Core

Begin by fully understanding the scope and requirements of the Business Analyst position you're applying for. Your summary should reflect your grasp of what the job entails and how your skills and experiences make you the perfect fit.

2. Start with a Strong Introduction

Lead with a concise statement that encapsulates your professional identity and core competencies. For example, 'Experienced Business Analyst with a proven track record of leveraging data analysis to drive business improvements.'

3. Highlight Key Skills and Achievements

Briefly mention the skills and achievements that are most relevant to the job. This could include your proficiency in data analysis tools, experience in cross-functional collaboration, or successful project outcomes, tailored to match the job description's highlighted requirements.

4. The Art of Brevity

While being comprehensive, keep your summary succinct. Aim for no more than 3-5 lines, crafting a narrative that's engaging yet to the point. It's about making an impact with fewer, more meaningful words.


Your summary is the invitation to your professional journey. Make it resonate with your ability to fulfill the Business Analyst role, marrying your unique career highlights with the needs of the potential employer. Be bold, be concise, and most importantly, be you.

Your Journey as a Business Analyst Begins

With these tailored strategies in hand, you're equipped to craft an extraordinary CV that stands a notch above. Whether you're using Wozber's free CV builder for the first time or refining your existing CV for that dream Business Analyst role, remember you have what it takes. Dive into Wozber for an ATS-friendly CV template, leverage the ATS CV scanner for keywords optimisation, and let your CV be the beacon that guides you to your next great opportunity.

The business world is ready for your analytical acumen. Go forth, analyze, and conquer!

Tailor an exceptional Business Analyst CV
Choose this Business Analyst CV template and get started now for free!
Business Analyst CV Example
Business Analyst @ Your Dream Company
  • Bachelor's degree in Business, Finance, IT, or related field.
  • Minimum of 3 years experience in a business analyst role or related field.
  • Proficiency in data analysis tools such as SQL, Excel, and Power BI.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills to collaborate with cross-functional teams.
  • Certification in CBAP (Certified Business Analysis Professional) or PMI-PBA (Professional in Business Analysis).
  • Must have good English communication skills.
  • Must be located in or willing to relocate to Seattle, WA.
  • Gather, document, and prioritize business requirements from stakeholders and translate them into functional specifications.
  • Work closely with IT and development teams to design and implement solutions.
  • Perform data analysis to identify business process improvements.
  • Facilitate user acceptance testing (UAT) and gather feedback to ensure solution meets business needs.
  • Provide training and documentation for end-users on new systems or processes.
Job Description Example

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